Industry-Leading Turnaround Time

CAM reports typically obtained within 2 business days from the time you directly upload data from the patient’s CAM patch to BDxCONNECT.

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Multiple field views provide greater context for each event

  1. Near-Field View

    An 8-second traditional view with R-R measurements in milliseconds.

  2. Medium-Field View

    A zoomed-out, 56-second snapshot displaying 24 seconds prior to and 24 seconds after an episode or event.

  3. Far-Field View

    A 40-minute R-R interval plot in bpm capturing 20 minutes prior to and 20 minutes after the episode or event to provide even greater context.

Transform cardiac monitor data into informed decision-making

Industry-Leading Turnaround Time

CAM report is typically obtained within 2 business days from the time you directly upload data from the patient’s CAM patch to BDxCONNECT.

Improve Diagnostic Yield

Superior signal quality, P-wave centric, and up to 14-day patient wear generate vital data needed to establish a diagnosis.

Flexible Analysis Options

Analyze data using your in-house technicians or elect to have reports prepared by BDx Solutions, our experienced team of certified ECG technicians.

Notifications & Alerts

Receive an alert when reports are ready. CAM reports are provided in PDF format and available through BDxCONNECT.

Save Time with Reports Prepared by Experienced,
Certified Technicians

Our Houston, TX-based team of CRAT- and CCT-certified ECG Technicians and Customer Service Managers analyze your data and prepare findings into a preliminary report that is typically ready within 2 business days. We provide multiple service models to conform to the needs of your practice.

Request a Product Demo

Discover how BardyDx advances your ability to provide faster, more accurate diagnoses.

Schedule a product demonstration today.

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