Healthcare Professionals

Elevate patient care with a comfortable, high diagnostic yield ambulatory cardiac monitor1,2

Generate quality data to make informed diagnoses without subjecting your patients to the discomfort of a traditional Holter monitor.2 The CAM Patch is a compact, comfortable, and convenient ambulatory cardiac monitor designed to capture critical ECG data while integrating seamlessly into your workflow and your patients’ daily lives.2


Discover the innovative design features and proprietary technology that enable the CAM Patch to record a high-clarity ECG signal.1,3


Review publications and posters that demonstrate how the CAM Patch helps physicians identify more and specific types of arrhythmia.1,5

Clinical Workflow

See how the CAM Patch’s user-friendly design and the intuitive BDxCONNECT interface can streamline workflow for clinicians.1,2,4

Coding & Reimbursement

Obtain information on current potential codes for ambulatory cardiac monitor-related billing.


Get answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive from healthcare professionals.

What Healthcare Professionals are Saying

“The CAM has been an incredible step forward in rhythm monitoring for my patients. I use the CAM routinely in my HCM patient populations as a tool for sudden cardiac death stratification. The less cumbersome nature of the device has greatly enhanced patient satisfaction and enables both increased patient activity and longer duration of monitoring, which in turn gives a much more reliable snapshot of arrhythmic risk.”
- David Owens, M.D.

Request a Demo

Schedule a demo to learn about the CAM Patch solution and how it may help your practice today.

The Carnation Ambulatory Monitor is intended for ambulatory collection of ECG data. Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the Instructions for Use.
  1. Rho R, Vossler M, Blancher S, Poole JE. Comparison of two ambulatory patch ECG monitors: The benefit of the P-wave and signal clarity. American Heart Journal. 2018.
  2. Smith W, et al. Comparison of diagnostic value using a small single channel, P-wave centric sternal ECG monitoring patch with a standard 3-lead Holter system over 24 hours. American Heart Journal. 2016.
  3. Willcox ME, Compton SJ, Bardy GH. Continuous ECG monitoring versus mobile telemetry: A comparison of arrhythmia diagnostics in human- versus algorithmic dependent systems. Heart Rhythm O2. 2021 Oct 2;2(6Part A):543-559. doi: 10.1016/j.hroo.2021.09.008. PMID: 34988499; PMCID: PMC8703156.
  4.  Yabut, Marie. “Accelerating proper evaluation of emergency department patients for arrhythmia concerns with discharge use of ECG Patch Monitors.” Heart Rhythm Society, vol. 18, no. 8, 2021, org/10.1016/j.hrthm.2021.06.183.
  5.  Paris D., et al. “Atrial Signal Clarity Is Critical If Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is To Be Used To Distinguish Atrial Fibrillation (AF) From Rhythms That Mimic AF.” Poster Presented Online. 2020.
  6. Data on file, Bardy Diagnostics, Inc.

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