Precision Heart Monitoring Made Simple

Improving cardiac monitoring by providing a device to differentiate atrial arrhythmias for a more definitive diagnosis.1,2

Developed by a Physician with Physicians in Mind

The story of our founding is a personal one. Inspired by the medical challenges faced by Lorene Bardy, the late wife of our founder, electrophysiologist and entrepreneur Gust H. Bardy, M.D., Bardy Diagnostics was founded in 2013 to overcome common challenges in ambulatory cardiac monitoring. With the unique perspective of both physician and husband, Dr. Bardy uses his expertise to develop cardiac monitoring solutions that help physicians obtain more accurate information about actionable events in the hopes of saving lives.3

CAM Patch

P-wave centric ECG patch monitor

An accurate diagnosis starts with an accurate ECG tracing. The Carnation Ambulatory Monitor (CAM) is a lightweight, extended-wear cardiac patch monitor that delivers clarity,3 convenience, and comfort.1

Developed on the principle that ambulatory cardiac monitoring should provide an excellent quality atrial signal, the CAM Patch is engineered to optimize P-wave signal capture.1

What Healthcare Professionals are Saying

“The CAM has been an incredible step forward in rhythm monitoring for my patients”

-David Owens M.D.
Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology University of Washington, Seattle WA

CAM Report

Proprietary report format that provides relevant diagnostic information up front
  • The unique multiple field views provide immediate clarity on actionable diagnosis.1
  • The CAM Report provides clear and concise full disclosure for quick, yet in-depth interpretations.
  • The average time to receive a report is <48 hours after the data has been uploaded.4


Elevate your perspective on ambulatory ECG monitoring

A patient management portal that adapts to meet the unique needs of your practice or institution. Upload patient data to the cloud and our expert ECG technicians will analyze the data and provide a full report.

Featured Clinical Studies


Continuous ECG monitoring versus mobile telemetry: A comparison of arrhythmia diagnostics in human- versus algorithmic-dependent systems.

Heart Rhythm 02 2021
Click here to read more

CAM vs. Zio®

Comparison of two ambulatory patch ECG monitors: The benefit of the P-wave and signal clarity.

American Heart Journal 2019
Click here to read more

CAM vs. Holter

Comparison of diagnostic value using a small, single channel, P-wave centric sternal ECG monitoring patch with a standard 3-lead Holter system over 24 hours.

American Heart Journal 2017
Click here to read more
The Carnation Ambulatory Monitor is intended for ambulatory collection of ECG data. Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the Instructions for Use.
  1. Smith WM, Riddell F, Madon M, et al. Comparison of diagnostic value using a small, single channel, P-wave centric sternal ECG monitoring patch with a standard 3-lead Holter system over 24 hours. Am Heart J 2017; 185:67-73.
  2. Rho R, Vossler M, Blancher S, Poole JE. Comparison of two ambulatory patch ECG monitors: The benefit of the P-wave and the signal clarity. Am Heart J 2018; 203:109-117.
  3. Data on file, Bardy Diagnostics, Inc.
  4. Yabut, M., Gomez-Duarte, S., Shipley, Overlake Medical Center, Bellevue, WA Accelerating Proper Evaluation of Emergency Department Patients for Arrhythmia Concerns with Discharge Use of ECG Patch Monitors. Accepted abstract and Poster Presentation Heart Rhythm Society 2021.

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